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Online advertising

Make sure you are seen where your target audience is actually looking

Online advertising is basically online marketing. There are many ways you can advertise your business online and it is important to test different things in order to find out what works best for you. You can advertise your business by first of all having a website. It is good if your website contains a blog with SEO-optimized copy that is updated continuously with new posts. That is good for Google ranking.  You can also advertise through social media, by boosting your posts on Facebook and Instagram. You can use Google Adwords for Pay Per Click or Keyword advertising as well as for banners and display advertising. 

Please don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any questions. 


Our online advertising services

Ads Manager

We can help you create a Facebook business page. Then we use ads manager to help you create powerful ads and content that you can boost on both Facebook and Instagram

Google Adwords

Sometimes be a little difficult to reach out with your services and products and the competition can be high. We help you to start an account, find the right keywords for you, create banners and display ads and analyse your results. 

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